

Mr. Zhou Keming, aged 53, was appointed as an executive director on 14 February 2007. He is alsothe chairman of the Board of the Company. Mr. Zhou is one of the founders of the Group and isresponsible for the Group's overall business strategy. He has extensive experience in the steel industryMr. Zhou was qualified as a senior economist in 2007 by the Appraisal Committee for Senior EconomicTechnical Oualification of Jiangsu. Mr. Zhou currently serves as a director and legal representative ofcertain subsidiaries of the Company.

Mr Zhou is the husband of Ms. Xu Xia and a cousin of Mr. Zhang Feng, both are executive directorsof the Company.

Ms. Xu Xia, aged 48, was re-appointed as an executive director on 24 March 2016 and was appointed asa vice-chairman of the Board of the Company on 18 April 2018. Ms. Xu currently serves as a directorof certain subsidiaries of the Company. Ms. Xu was an executive director of the Company fromFebruary 2007 to December 2015. She is one of the founders of the Group and is responsible for theGroup's business operation and administration. Ms Xu has extensive sales and business developmentexperience in the steel industry. Ms. Xu graduated from China Textile University (currently knownas Donghua University) in 1995 with a diploma in Trading Operation. She also completed AdvancedStudies for Senior Executives at College of Continuing Education of Fudan University in 2005 on apart-time basis.

Ms. Xu is the wife of Mr. Zhou Keming, the chairman of the Board, a director and a substantialshareholder of the Company. Ms. Xu is also the relative of Mr. Zhang Feng, an executive director ofthe Company.

Mr. Zou Xiaoping, aged 58, was appointed as an executive director on 9 March 2007 and appointed as avice-chairman of the Board of the Company on 18 April 2018. Mr. Zou is a member of the NominationCommittee and the Remuneration Committee of the Company and the supervisor of Taiyuan TaigangDaming Metal Technology Co, Ltd, being a non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. Hejoined the Group in 2002 and is responsible for the Group's overall management, administration andoperation. Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Zou worked at Local Tax Bureau, Oianzhou Town, XishanD)istrict from 1986 to 2002 on taxation matters and was granted a certificate for having undergonethe in-service taxation training offered to the civil servants in 2000. when serving as the assistant tothe head of the Bureau. Mr. Zou has extensive experience in taxation and corporate managementHe graduated from Correspondence Institute of the Party School of the Centra Committee of theChinese Communist Party with a Bachelor of Laws degree in 2004 and obtained a Master of BusinessAdministration degree from Asia International Open University (Macau) (currently known as CityUniversity of Macau) in 2005.

Mr. Zhang Feng, aged 46, was appointed as an executive director on 15 October 2014. Mr. Zhang iscurrently the general manager, supervisor, director and legal representative of certain subsidiaries othe Company.

         Mr. Zhang is a cousin of Mr. Zhou Keming (“Mr. Zhou%, the chairman of the Board, a director anda substantial shareholder of the Company. Mr. Zhang is also related to Ms. Xu Xia (“Ms. Xu”), adirector of the Company, as Ms. Xu is the wife of Mr. Zhou.

Mr. Qian Li,aged 48,was appointed as an executive director on 30 June 2022. Mr. Qian is currentlythe vice president, the director of human resources and administration and the supervisor of JiangsuDaming Industrial Technology Group Co., Ltd., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the CompanyMr. Oian currently serves as a director and the legal representative of Taiyuan Taigang Daming Metalechnology Co, Ltd.(“Taiyuan Taigang”), which is a non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.

Mr. Qian studied computer and applications and graduated from Nanjing Chemical Industria.School (now known as Nanjing Polytechnic Institute) in July 1994. From June 2004 to May 2005.heundertook the excellent manager advanced training programme organised by the School of ContinuingEducation of Fudan University. He is currently attending an advanced business administration trainingcourse organised by Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Mr. Qian has extensive experience in sales and procurement of stainless steel. Mr. Qian joined theGroup in 1998. He was an executive director of the Company from March 2007 to March 2012From January 2007 to July 2009, he was the department head of the supply department of JiangsuDaming Metal Products Co., Ltd.(now known as Jiangsu Daming Industrial Technology Group Co.Ltd.)(“Jiangsu Daming). From August 2009 to April 2013, Mr. Oian was the assistant to the generalmanager of Jiangsu Daming and the department head of the supply department of Jiangsu DamingFrom May 2013 to July 2013, he was the assistant to the general manager of Jiangsu Daming. FrorrAugust 2013 to December 2013, Mr. Qian was the assistant to the general manager of Jiangsu Daming.as well as the principal department head, and the department head of the management departmentof the main sales department of Jiangsu Daming. From January 2014 to February 2015. he was thesales director of Jiangsu Daming. From March 2015 to December 2021, he was the general manager ofTaiyuan Taigang.

Mr. Ni Chen ,aged 42, was appointed as an executive director on 30 June 2022. Mr. Ni is currently thegeneralmanager, director and legal representative of Taiyuan Taigang Daming MetalTechnology Co..Ltd., a non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.

Mr. Ni studied computer applications and maintenance and graduated from Huaihai Institute ofTechnology (now known as Jiangsu Ocean University) in July 2003.

Mr. Ni has extensive experience in sales and procurement of stainless steel. Mr. Ni joined the Groupin 2005. From July 2005 to June 2009, Mr. Ni was the team leader of the sales department of JiangsuDaming. From July 2009 to October 2010, Mr. Ni was the department head of the sales departmentof Hangzhou Wanzhou Metal Products Co.. Ltd.(“Hangzhou Wanzhou”). From October 2010 to November 2011, he was the assistant to the department head of the main sales department of JiangsuDaming and the department head of the sales department of Hangzhou Wanzhou. From December2011 to April 2013,Mr. Ni was the deputy department head of the supply department of JiangsuDaming. From May 2013 to January 2015, he was the department head of the supply departmentof Jiangsu Daming Allybest Trading Co., Ltd. From February 2015 to April 2018, Mr. Ni was theassistant to the marketing director of Jiangsu Daming. From May 2018 to December 2018, he wasthe procurement director of Jiangsu Daming. From January 2019 to December 2021. Mr. Ni was thegeneral manager of the stainless steel business unit of Jiangsu Daming.